Plant Care Guidelines
It’s generally safe to plant your seedlings immediately, but be mindful that our area is still prone to cold snaps through the month of April. The danger of frost hasn’t ended, so be sure to protect the following plants from frosts or freezes: Tomatoes, peppers, basil, zinnia, celosia (Chief cockscomb); tithonia and ground cherries.
You can do this by covering these plants on nights when frost will occur. What should you use to cover? Cover cloth, tarp, upside down planting buckets, cardboard can all help to protect your plants from freezing snaps.
Yes. Your Burkett babies are potted in Cowpots or Jiffy peat pots, which should be planted directly into the ground. The roots will have no trouble growing through.
For taller seedlings, dig a hole deep enough to bury some of the stem. You can bury it as deep as up to the first set of leaves – new roots will develop along it.
Spacing: Give plants at least 2 feet of space in all directions. For container gardening, use a pot of at least 5 gallons. These are indeterminate types and require some pruning and sturdy trellising as they grow. If you're using a tomato cage, you'll need a bigger sized one.
Avoid getting the leaves wet when watering, which can increase the chance of disease.
Give at least 18 inches of space. For container gardening, use a pot of at least 3 gallons. These plants will grow tall enough to require trellising.
You can boost the total yield by frequently harvesting the fruit (the more consistently you pick, the more the plant will produce).
Give at least 3 feet of space. The fruits from this sprawling plant are ready when they fall off the plant (just like tomatillos).
Give 1 foot of space.
Give 8-12 inches of space. Cilantro is prone to bolt in hot weather, so planting in partial shade may help stretch out the season.
Give 18 inches of space. This perennial, which is tasty for both people and butterflies, can grow more than four feet tall.
Give 1 foot of space. This biennial often overwinters here and will bloom next spring.
Give 1 foot of space. For a big healthy plant, pinch off some of the blossoms to encourage branching, and harvest regularly.
Give 2 feet of space.
Give 1 foot of space.
This plant attracts the most amazing array of insects of all of Burkett’s flowers, but be warned: If not contained/maintained, this plant from the mint family will effortlessly take over anything in its path. It’s ideal to plant this in a container or keep isolated.
Give 1 foot of space. Make sure to harvest the first bloom with a cut above the bottom two side shoots. This will create a branching habit. Regularly harvesting some blooms and/or deadheading (removing) spent blooms will push this plant to keep producing.
Give 2 feet of space. These red flowers with velvety stems are a sure way to attract butterflies.
Give 1 foot of space. To encourage branching, when plants are 6-12 inches tall, pinch or snip off the growing point. Trust us!
Give 1 foot of space.
Give 1 foot of space. These look best when planted in groups.