The Spring Sprint
And we're off! March Madness hit the farm, and everything's growing like crazy (including the always-vigorous weeds competing with our germinating seedlings). We seeded sugar snap peas, beets, potatoes, carrots, cilantro and dill.
Our peas, from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, germinated especially well.
Instead of pulling/tilling, we let the rows of winter kale, collards and mustard greens bolt for the pollinators. We need to let those guys know of this new food source. It worked; when you walk down the rows of yellow blossoms, you hear buzzing all around. A sound full of promise! Dill, cilantro and lots of flowers should keep them around this summer.
We did have one sad event this winter - one of our Black sexlink (Black Star) chickens fell prey to a hawk during a snowy week.
But the remaining 11 are getting along just fine, laying between 9 and 13 eggs a day (they're more productive on sunny days). In the early afternoons, the broodier of the hens squeeze, push and fuss at one another in seeking the coveted spot of right smack dab on top of the eggs in the one nesting box they all prefer.